Understanding exosome


Naive exosomes
Exosomes are nanovesicles with the ability to navigate among local cells providing them with functional loads such as proteins and RNAs, enhancing cell differentiation and proliferation. In the case of natural exosomes (naive), they are secreted by cells and later isolated and concentrated for clinical use, without undergoing any structural or genetic modifications for therapeutic application.
Engineered exosomes
Engineered exosomes undergo structural modifications in the laboratory, whether genetic or chemical, where through specific vectors or drugs they can incorporate molecules and/or nucleic acids both at their membrane level and/or internally, aiming their later application as a carrier of information to local cells for therapeutic purposes.
Drug-delivery exosomes
Exosomes might be used as carriers of drugs (drug-delivery system) receiving medications or other substances with a specific function for both local and systemic therapies, presenting great therapeutic potential for application in a wide range of diseases in medicine.
We at BioSima believe that exosome-mediated therapies may represent a very promising and innovative therapeutic alternative, being cell-free, non-invasive, less immunogenic and non-toxic for diagnosis and treatment of several diseases. Furthermore, exosomes may play an important informative role on the individual’s health, providing crucial information about the type of molecules secreted by different cells, which can be very effective not only in the therapeutic but also in the diagnostic context.
CNPJ: 47.635.783/0001-43